Whether you plan to visit a bank or enlist the help of a mortgage broker, you should get in touch with a mortgage pro, before you start pounding the pavement.
Your Guide to Selling Your Home in the Winter
As someone who has personally bought and sold a home in the winter months several times, I can tell you there is definitely a winter real estate market.
Home Insurance and Your Real Estate Purchase
What you need to know about Home Insurance when you buy Real Estate.
Why Do I Need a Realtor Anyway?
Do I Really Need a Realtor? They’re Expensive! This is a great question. Often, people ask, “Won’t I save money if I sell my home on my own?” The short answer is, if you feel confident enough, go for it! For many people though, reaI estate transactions can be confusing to navigate. They can be […]
Keeping Your House Warm and The Cold Out!
When your home is breathing in cold air, it runs the risk of meeting the warm air and producing condensation, which then can become mold. You want to avoid that, so let’s take a walk around your home and check for potential cold spots.
18 Ways to Improve Your Home’s Value Before You Sell
If you are getting ready to sell your home, you might be wondering how you can improve its value, even when finances are tight.