Keep Your Home Cool and Dry, This Summer Well, get ready for it. Here it comes. The humidity, and the heat. After the past few days, this could be an indication that we are headed into a hot humid spring and summer. Regardless, of whether we are or not, we should be ready it, and […]
Making Money from Your Home – Shared from Barry Lebow
Joseph shares Barry Lebow’s article, “Making Money from Your Home”. Barry is president and founder of the Senior Housing Council.
Wiarton Willie Predicts An Early Spring
Thinking you might sell your home, now that spring is on its way? I can help you getting your property ready to list.
Ark Building in 2003
A little real estate and building joke to brighten your day.
Should You Buy a Home or Rent a Home?
Buy or Rent? Good question. Well, one way to quickly determine your answer is to ask whether you have least 5% down payment and closing costs for a house? If not, renting is a good option. It may beat living with mom and dad for the rest of your life! Even if you love them […]
To Rent Your Home or Not to Rent Your Home, that is the Question
The income from renting your home each month, is nice. If you have a mortgage on the property, the tenant will help you pay it down. Also, it isn’t a great idea to leave your property vacant if you won’t be living there, so tenants can keep your home free from theft and vandalism.