Real Estate in the Digital Age If you’re like me, you like your smartphone, and you use it for a variety of tasks. When it comes to real estate, people are using the internet, especially their phones and tablets, more than ever! In fact, a recent American study found that over 75% of all buyers […]
Getting a Mortgage
Should I Cut Up My Credit Cards if I Want to Get a Mortgage?
Lenders want to see that you are able to use credit wisely, and that you’re willing to pay it off. Cutting up your credit cards will make it difficult to determine your worthiness as a borrower.
Home Insurance and Your Real Estate Purchase
What you need to know about Home Insurance when you buy Real Estate.
What if the House Fails the Home Inspection?
Actually, there’s no such thing as failing a home inspection. It is not a home inspector’s job to advise the buyer to buy or not buy. What Does the Home Inspector Do? The home inspector walks through the home, from top to bottom, determines how well the home is functioning, and notes any safety issues. […]
Saving for a Down Payment to Purchase Your Home?
Wouldn’t we all like to Save Money??? My wife came across this article in Canadian Living and I thought I’d share. We’ve got the hang of some of these tips but have a long way to go. Grocery prices are outrageous! The author says our grocery costs are second only to mortgage and rent but […]
Do You Need to Purchase Title Insurance?
Title insurance protects you and your mortgage lender in the event that a problem occurs with the title at any point during your ownership. It can be a problem that just didn’t show up in the title examination, something the examiner missed, or because of an error in the public records. Title insurance will cover the cost of untangling this legal problem.